mumblings and ramblings

ratan is not amused

Browsing Posts published in July, 2010

For those who don’t know, Dave Schneider has an excellent page on all things literature called Cosmoetica. I first found his page when I was suffering through a Modern Poets class and fell on a bomb called Sharon Olds. His essay on Olds’ laughable attempts at poetry helped me laugh when I wanted to vomit […]

Does anybody remember The Like? Of course you don’t, because they were… kind of generic. But I heard one of their new songs last night on college radio and wow… total musical make over. The song I heard is called “Release Me” but this one is really great, too.

Damn it, I miss the 90s…

Sampling done right…

I feel like I’m back in the 80s, but in a good way. Can we get President Reagan back while we’re at it? And good wrestling? Some good comedies on TV and the movie theater?

Continuing the shoegaze theme, but a much louder and more abrasive sound.

More lazy, hazy, shoegaze music

First, the original: Second, the Portastatic homage: And lastly, the excellent Obama parody, done by PolitiZoid, called “Same As It Ever Was”

I heard this song for the fist time on Tuesday. One of the best parts of being home… I get to choose the radio station. I’m not sure Dad would stand for this kind of thing, with him, it’s country or nothing. If I can find an oldies country station, that’s fine, but not this […]

La la la la la la la la la la la…