mumblings and ramblings

ratan is not amused

Browsing Posts in girls with glasses

Glasses, hard nipples and short hair go together really well. I could do without the tattoo, but everything else is perfect about her, so why complain? That does it for this month’s revival of this blog. I am now on vacation for a week. Maybe when I get back in November I will start this […]

I think it’s kind of silly that boobies are considered “NSFW” material.

As usual, I did not draw these images. I found them on /c/ on 4chan. Your one stop shop for all things cute.

As usual, I did not draw these images. I found them on /c/ on 4chan. Your one stop shop for all things cute.

Sadly, it’s the end of the month, which means today’s GwG is the final one (at least for now). I started and ended with my personal favorites. But fear not, for next month I shall bring you more eye candy goodness. And as a going away present, a sexy animated GIF: